Robe Subsidiaries
Business Development
We have released service manuals for the new FORTE® and SPOTE™ fixtures, have some interesting news about additional green adjustment (tint channel) for ESPRITE® and will also mention other updates and releases to technical documentation.
Please make sure to keep all your devices up to date with latest software for their best performance. Use Robe Uploader to update your fixtures, it provides you with a detailed changelog for each update. Here we lis some notable updates:
There have been many software improvements since the last newsletter, including the REAP™ - Robe Ethernet Access Portal. Newly, we have also added remote Green correction (Tint) adjustment settings for all ESPRITE® models. In order to keep existing programming intact, we had to add two new DMX Modes in which this new channel is included.
New additional RoboSpot™ MotionCamera settings for automatic or manual Color/BW mode in low light situations are now provided.
Saving showfile with “Manual RDM Discovery” now also saves DMX channels’ default values for better results when using in a standalone setup without DMX console.
We have also implemented green correction feature into RoboSpot. Operator can now use this channel directly from RoboSpot and map it on the screen, fader or roller wheels. This feature gives the operator even better control and more flexibility to adjust tint, independently of the DMX console. Available for all Robin fixtures with the Green correction channel.
Software update for FORTE® is bringing especially fine-tuned Quiet mode for silent operation (including a setting for Fans off during blackout), smoother framing shutter movement, improved gobo rotation and many other improvements.
Many small but important changes have been done in the pixelPATT™ software improving initial effect values and Power channel handling (affecting for example remotely adjustable DMX Input switch).
We have added a way to indicate that a fixture software update brings some “Important Updates” in situations, where the software change could affect existing programming. Fixtures marked with a !read changelog! label in the ROBE Uploader now require an additional press of the “Perform Update” icon, to allow the operator to review these changes before proceeding with the update. This feature is fully documented in section 8.8. Important Updates of Technical Bulletin 54 – ROBE Uploader, version 1.0.7.
User documentation is regularly being updated so make sure to always download latest version of required file from our website.
This includes new ATM cETLus, DoC, TUV and Noise measurements certificates for FORTE® and SPOTE™ or Technical bulletins #35 (Robin Touchscreen Display), #54 (ROBE Uploader), #69 (RoboSpot uSD Card). Make sure to be logged in to access these files.
It is easy to keep the documentation up to date with our mobile apps and also with Resilio file sync.
Our GDTF library has been growing, now featuring 56 files. Most of these are fixture libraries containing very detailed information including 3D models, physical attributes and properties like power consumption, weight, speeds of movement and rotations, spectral data, gobos and more, making it suitable for plug and play controlling in DMX consoles like MA3 or Chamsys, pre-viz in Vision or virtual events in the Unreal Engine. Please let us know any feedback on a dedicated email address libraries (at) robe.cz .
Service manual for FORTE® and for SPOTE™ has been released, as well as service manuals for ESPRITE® Fresnel / ESPRITE® PC, iPointe® and Divine™ 72. Updated part lists of spares have been uploaded to the Support section of our website and the Robe Spares site is also listing all newly added products and their spares. Make sure to log-in to see listing of these files.
We have improved Top Hat for ESPRITE®, providing even better light spill protection in narrow beam angles. Ordering code for the new Top Has been added into the Optional accessories of user manual.
Service manuals for Robin iFORTE® and Robin PAINTE® had been released as well as important software updates for many devices including the iFORTE® and LEDBeam 350™. Read on for more details.
Here is an update on the status of Robe GDTF development, read on for more details.
We have released software updates for several Robin series devices to improve color mixing, add smoother framing shutters movement and enhance gobo wheel behavior. Read on for more details.
Before installation and rigging of devices, make always sure to read instructions provided in documentation.
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