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Color mixing improvements for T11, timed gobo transitions for Forte and more software improvements

Products Involved

T11 Profile™
T11 Profile™T11 Profile™
T11 PC™
T11 PC™T11 PC™
T11 Fresnel™
T11 Fresnel™T11 Fresnel™

We have released software updates for several Robin series devices to improve color mixing, add smoother framing shutters movement and enhance gobo wheel behavior. Read on for more details.

T11 color mixing compatibility

In this important software update, we are now permanently enabling default color compatibility of T11 Profile™, T11 Fresnel™ and T11 PC™ with other Robe Multi Spectral Light Source devices like T1, T2 and TX1 Profiles and Washes, to ensure seamless cross-operation of this family of fixtures. This should give you nicer and more consistent color environment for now and also for the future. Please make sure to check your programming and presents after the update.

Spikie+ color mixing compatibility

With the addition of the 25% brighter Spikie+® to the Robin family, we have now implemented an additional level of LED calibrations, which (when enabled) are permanently applied to all colors to allow compatibility operation with the original Spikie®. Do note that in order for this compatibility to work, both Spikie and Spikie+ units need to be updated, which might cause slight differences in the color mixing on the Spikie fixtures, so please make sure to check your programming or presets.

Forte and iForte proportional gobo wheel indexing

After our previous releases of improvements, which included focus tracking during zoom movement and customizable pan and tilt reset features, we are now making available the results of our latest work that enable proportional gobo wheel indexing for both the FORTE® and the iFORTE®. This feature is newly allowing designers to perform a transitions between gobos with custom timing. In order to ensure backwards compatibility for existing shows, we added a new DMX mode that replaces the less used Gobo Shaking feature with the new Proportional Gobo Wheel Indexing. Our GDTF files have been updated to contain this new DMX mode, you can find it on our Robe GDTF-Share page.

Painte full sweep framing shutters movement algorithm update

On PAINTE®, we have improved the internal logic of the movement of the framing shutters, which now results in more precise and smoother movement, as well as an improved approximation system that is more intuitive and more consistent during programming.

To get these and all other Robe Software updates, please use the Robe Uploader software for easy update, download and installation.

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