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Robe Rocks LDI 2022 with “All Environments” live show and Innovative New Technologies

Products Involved

iBeam 250™
iBeam 250™iBeam 250™
TX1 PosiProfile™
TX1 PosiProfile™TX1 PosiProfile™

Robe lighting embraced the 2022 LDI expo in Las Vegas with a fantastic booth design, an invigorating live show, and a jaw-dropping line up of new and innovative products that stunned-and-amazed those in attendance.

“It was wonderful to be back together with everyone and catch up face-to-face with so many colleagues and friends to celebrate the entertainment technology and design community we all love so much!” stated Lorienn Cochenour, CEO of Robe Lighting Inc.

Robe’s 6-minute timecoded “All Environments” live show extravaganza captured the spirit of the moment with strong multi-layered messaging as well as illustrating the robust weatherization and fantastic creative effects of Robe’s new iSeries luminaires, including the iFORTE, iSpiider, and iBeam250 highlighted in the show.

The live show attracted excited crowds to the stand, and people rammed the aisles each hour to catch the performance.

In a booth which was busy all three days of the expo, the dedicated demo area allowed visitors to experience more in-depth and one-to-one product presentations.

The all-new iFORTETM and TX1 PosiProfileTM products generated a buzz.

The IP65 rated iFORTE is Robe’s most powerful iSeries product to date combining a massive output and multiple effects in a package ready for all outdoor challenges including wet, windy, dusty, and generally inclement and unpredictable weather which is prevalent everywhere! This is a perfect luminaire for large shows, spectacles, and stadiums.

The TX1 PosiProfile combines the worlds of manual and fully automated lighting fixtures in a new and revolutionary luminaire designed to operate as a moving head or as a static but repositionable profile. It can be rigged and operated in extremely confined spaces where crew access is challenging, or movement options are severely limited or not required.

The ingenious technologies in these products bring ideal solutions to so many issues being faced by lighting and visual designers, and throughout LDI, there was a steady stream of comments that these were much appreciated and needed.

The expo was bigger and busier than last years’ initial post Covid toe-dip. In addition to having a clear international flavor with lighting designers, directors, programmers, and techs from across the US and around the world, the Robe team also welcomed a host of their Authorised Dealers and Distributors to the stand.

Architectural lighting brand Anolis – A Robe Business – had its own space on the booth and highlighted the brand new CalummaTM range, alongside the popular Anolis AmbianeTM and EminereTM product ranges. This was a smart move, particularly at LDI which attracts a lot of installers and designers working on crossover entertainment / architainment projects who looked at the products and acknowledged the brand which, like Robe, is wholly designed and manufactured in Europe.

Robe was also active on the GDTF booth where customer services manager Petr Vaněk ran a series of “Learn How to Create Your Own GDTF Files” workshops, teaching interested parties how to generate, alter, and maintain GDTF files and plenty of other useful tips and tricks related to GTDF.

“The overall outlook is extremely positive,” commented Lorienn after the show closed on Sunday, “The design team did a brilliant job in presenting an eye-catching story and creating a display to show the versatility, sustainability and outstanding performance of the iSeries products!”

She added that everyone from Robe was very proud to be part of such a “strong, resilient and resourceful” industry that is looking towards the future.

Photo Credit: Edwin Silva

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